The Mondial du Théâtre passes the cape of the millennium. Among all the celebrations of the changing date, it's a solid success symbol for amateur theatre.

What a long way since 1957 ! At that time creators Guy Brousse, Max Brousse and René Cellario wanted to initiate a meeting for amateur theatre lovers on the edges of the Mediterranean sea. They didn't suspect that the soul of their festival would grow and propagate to their successors. Nowadays this passion is an entire part of the festival.

All the theatre lovers share the same feeling : benevolent do their best to improve this great event, troupes surprise us again and again with their talent and imagination, and the International Amateur Theatre Association AITA/IATA collaborates with its advices. And the currency of this association becomes true : "to promote education and comprehension with theatre".

Since the first edition of the festival 214 companies from 52 different countries came here in Monaco, more than 3000 actors, producers, technicians, authors confronted their experience. The theatrical summitries noticed that the strong power of theatre became reality.

The Mondial du Théâtre success is not a simple statistic question : it feels in unique moments when applause crackle at the end of a show, when friendly relationship grow between south American actor, Asian dancer  and European technician, when everybody participate to workshops where the only common language is "smiling".

Today the Mondial du Théâtre has taken on a planetary dimension, following the example of AITA/IATA. It represents a picture of amateur theatre world-wide. It is indeed a Festival for the lovers of Theatre. It reflects their talent and their passion for drama and it is the showcase for their tremendous efforts.

We welcome all who, motivated by the same spirit of tolerance and understanding, share the same enthusiasm. May you impart your love for the Theatre to each and every member of the audience !!



General Commissioner