For the celebration of the forthieth anniversary of
the Organising Committee has suggested to the 24 participating
companies to create a collective work of art on the subject of the
and Principality of Monaco.
On a red or
white lozenge, which is the symbol of the
Principality, each company has been invited to draw or paint the
universal expression of the theatre, as it is felt in its country
the crying and laughing two masks !
The assembling of all the lozenges will be done by the International renowned Monegasque painter, Master Hubert CLERISSI. He will also create the 25th and last lozenge, which will be the one of the Studio de Monaco creator and organiser of the Festival since 1957.
From the 22nd to the 30th of August, excepted on the 26th, the companies and the population of Monaco are invited to attend to the realisation of this collective painting.